Cu In Colour
Cu in Colour is my business where I consult with my client in a Personal Colour Consultation to analyse and advise on colour, style, makeup, fashion items and accessories with the purpose of finding colours and style uniquely yours.
Looking back over last year at colour and how it harmonies with us. Each wearing our own seasonal colour palette. #colourharmony #wearingyourcolours #feelinggood #lookinggreat
This comment made my day!! A couple had a Buddy PCA as Christmas gift to each other. So happy when my clients love their palettes and find that the special garments they wear and feel great in are actually in their palettes. Enjoy your colour journey -buddies. #buddysession #PCA #colourswatches #colourpalettes #brightspring #softsummer
With the New Year only day’s away and with our New Year’s resolutions it’s a great time to think about you for 2025. Have you thought about having your colours done with a Personal Colour Analysis?
What a wonderful way to begin the year. Knowing your colours will be a New Beginning. With colour knowledge and a swatch booklet of your own unique colours you can create the look and style that is in harmony with you. Don’t waste any more time thinking about it, just book in now. See you soon.